Samstag, 9. April 2011


Soo... First of all I wanted to apologize for not writing in soooooooo long!!!!!! And second of all... You will never guess what happened to me last saturday (2 of April 2011).
So me an my little cutie BFF's were very happy on that day because the Justin Bieber concert was in Berlin!!!!!!!!!! But only one of us had a ticket :( (not me *saddestfaceyou'veeverseen*). So the rest of us were like: who cares if we don't have tickets we are going to that concert!!!!!! (We had recently see Never Say Never 3D and were secretly hoping of getting free tickets)
Saturday, 2.4.2011, 3:00 (about)

We were walking around at O2 world and looking for JB or anyone else famous :). Not one celeb. insight. Only screaming fans (like ourselves) everywhere you looked. So we walked around; got interviewed once, talked to various security guards, constructed a beautiful selfmade poster for JB, and walked around some more. 
Our awesome poster
Then we got creative... It was getting late and our time for getting tickets was running out; we asked cleaning people, caterers, truck drivers, security guards, camera teams and loads more of those kinds of people if we could help them carry anything or so to get into the concert. Nobody could help us but we didn't give up. So we spoke to some more random people turned out the first two were Justin Bieber's Background dancer (seriously no kiddin, how cool is that) his name was Mike (@) and we also met Mike's friend a guy from Hungary. 
Us with Mike 
The Hungarian guy said that they might actually be giving out tickets for free and we were all like: seriously Oh my god i love you so much for telling us!!!!!
But he also said he wasN't exactly sure where.
So we walked around the o2 world and then my one friend (I'll call her Roxy) said: "Oh My God is that Justin Biebers Mom"
And as before you could say JB, we were running towards that fence where two women were standing.
And it was really Justin Biebers mom we talked to her for a while and then she gave us free *stillbeingsohappyabouttocry* tickets for the fifth row. Sheesh that was like one of the top 3 happiest moments of my life. And it was her b-day on that day and we congratulated her and we got to hug her and OMG it was so awesome.
But.. every awesome thing has one bad thing (sorry that is not actually true) we stupid people forgot to ask her for an autograph or a pic or anything and there are still so many questions I'd like to ask her.
But once and for all:

Here are some vids from the concert: 

xo xo xo
PS Oh and BTW we also met JB's swagger coach, Ryan Good heres a pic of him incase u don't know him: 

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