Dienstag, 1. März 2011

Never Say Never 3D

First of all watch this video (the one above), if you haven't already watched it, pretty pretty please with sugar and cherry's and cupcakes and love on top. And now please don't think I'll launch into another long description about what it is and what happens. Because I have to admit, my last entry was probably really boring. So this movie (never say never 3D) is about an incredible story about a young guy who is a great singer and in one year makes it to the top of the charts. JUSTIN BIEBER. I loved that movie it was really touching and it gives me hope that maybe one day I'll get just as far as him. For all people that think he is Ok but aren't such a great fan of him this movie is a must. Before I watched I loved his songs and good looks and  everything but now. . . I don't know what to say. And for all the people that considered watching the movie in a different language than english. Please don't it probably won't be  half as great.
xo xo
you know you love me (just kiddin got that from gossip girl)
PS today is justin biebers 17th b-day. I wish you the best birthday ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Even Venture Capitalists and Tech Start-Up Guys love this movie! I want to see it to! Check this long explanation out on TechCrunch: http://techcrunch.com/2011/03/01/what-every-entrepreneur-could-learn-from-justin-bieber/
